There is much to learn and explore regarding vibrational sound — and by participating, I predict that your knowledge of sound will expand exponentially, your world will become richer, and you will gain an entirely new appreciation for sound and music.
Sound not only shaped our past and present, but I have no doubt that sound will shape a radically healthy and more positive future.
It is now common knowledge that vibration underpins all aspects of our world and Universe, but you may not know that sound underpins all such vibrations on earth. Therefore, in embracing this fact and learning how sound powers all of life, we gain mind-expanding insights into all aspects of our favorite sciences, our daily lives, and even our spirituality. Sound not only holds the keys to heal our bodies but can positively influence our brain rhythms, lowering stress, increasing focus, aiding sleep patterns, and much more. – John Stuart Reed
By entering into this deep state of relaxation they realized that they can release repressed emotions and past experiences that may have colored their perception. Every experience we have will leave an impression on the mind. These impressions, known as samskaras, from the past influence and color our expectations about the future. Let go and surrender the repressed energies that no longer serve you. We will balance your 7 main energy centers (chakras) to improve the flow of energy around the body which will enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and enable connective experiences.It is in the chakras that we hold the emotional wounds and traumas of our lives and the function of energy healing is to excavate, release, refresh and renew.By clearing blockages and releasing these painful experiences we make room for LIGHT, creating healing, and higher vibration and frequency within. navigates clients through the Process of Creating the Life You Want through healing sound immersions.
Sound Baths Provide An Environment To:
Heal The Mind • Clear away stuck and discordant energy, gain clarity of thought and relief from difficult emotions.
Heal The Body • Stuck energy within the body is entrained into flowing energy from sound healing instruments, encouraging better health.
Heal the Soul • When used with intention for healing, a powerful influence of the pure energy of sound can break old outdated patterns and set a new path for our souls journey.